Statue of Liberty - concept App
Re-Designing the Statue of Liberty application and creating a new experience for the visitors using AR.
Re-designing the website
When it comes to the most famous "Lady" in USA, you want the website or the application to represents not only the beauty, but also the meaning of it.
The redesign wanted to offer a new approach with clear category selections and animations to have a more fluid experience browsing the website.
Also included a mobile version.
Redesigning the Ellis Island tour experience
I visioned a new experience that engaged tourist visiting Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty using a mobile device & AR technology.
Taking advantage of the huge database of information that has been already developed in the past and let the users use it in a different and fresh way.
AR at the Ellis Island tour
Imagine to be able to view how the same place was 140 years ago.
A “video” documentary in real time that shows what happened, what was the journey for an immigrant once landed on Ellis Island.

Imagine to have few spots all over the island and building.
Once the user open the app he/she can view a footage of how the same spot was looking 100 years ago living a full experience of that place.

The idea
1. The user should be able to look for an ancestor name and once the app provides the list of the names, he/she can choose one and see all the details.
2. Once the details appeared the user can choose to follow his/her journey starting the AR experience.
3. If the user chooses to follow the journey the app will ask to go to the first spot and positioning the phone in order to activate the AR. Experience.

Further thoughts

Playing with the ego
Everyone would like to be on the wall of the Statue of Liberty and being seen from million of visitors.
People always do that, putting chewing gums on a wall in Seattle, or locks on a bridge in France, people always want to be seen especially where they know that there is high traffic of visitors.
But also digitally, applications such as Instagram or Snapchat are a great example.

The idea
Do you remember the onemilliondollarhomepage?
The idea is pretty much the same but using the base’s wall of the Statue and AR technology.
Instead to be chewing gums or locks in this case are pictures.

How does it work?
The App
Once the user opens the application, visitors can decide to fill the base of the statue with their picture, choosing format (squared, portrait or landscape), a short message and donating $1 for every inch covered, or even just 1$ flat, it depends by the strategy.
So basically they are:
- becoming founders
- being part of the history (once the wall is filled it’s done)
- becoming famous, being seeing from million of tourists

- Services⤫